The Importance of Teaching Resources and Education Advocacy
It is important for educators to utilize quality teaching resources for their lessons. Not only can these resources help improve the overall learning environment in the classroom, but they can also help build professional networks. These resources also have the potential to improve education advocacy.
The educational profession has given rise to thousands of teaching resources, which are a vital resource for both students and teachers. Resources for learning include classroom materials, books, journals, videos, tests, online programs, and more. Although some are free, others are paid, and a few are aimed at specific groups. Educators should be aware of the differences and be able to identify the most useful ones for their students.
The use of teaching resources helps teachers create high quality lessons that are engaging and challenging. When using these resources, teachers need to determine if the material is valid, reliable, and appropriate. In addition, instructors need to determine which skills and attitudes are important to their students’ success. They should also find ways to make these resources more effective and interactive.
A variety of organizations provide information on how to select the best teaching resources. For example, the National Council for Teacher Quality (NCTE) provides guidance for teachers and schools. Also, the Association for Supervision and Curriculum Development (ASCD) provides information and resources for educators. There are also many nonprofit organizations that focus on education improvement.
Another example is the Institute for Study of Knowledge Management in Education (ISKME). This nonprofit research institute aims to promote open education and provides information about free and low cost resources. Other organizations that offer free resources include the Open Educational Resource Project funded by the UK Higher Education Academy and JISC.
Other nonprofit organizations offer free information for families and communities. These resources include social and emotional learning, prevention programs, and resources for educators and leaders.
There are also numerous corporate sponsored programs that focus on teacher development. Many of these programs are focused on preparing new and experienced teachers for the job market. If you are planning to become a teacher, consider taking an on-site course or attending one of the organization’s webinars.
One of the best ways to find the best resources is to use a resource librarian. A resource librarian can save you hours of work. He or she can train you on search strategies and help you avoid wasting time on valueless information. Whether you are a school or a university, a resource librarian can serve as your best ally.
The OER Commons is a community of educators who collaborate to share, discover, and evaluate open educational resources. Their mission is to “promote the development of OER through the creation and sharing of free, high-quality resources and tools.” By contributing to the OER Commons, educators can learn how to use their resources effectively and repurpose them.
Finally, the OER4Schools project focuses on the use of Open Educational Resources in teacher training in sub-Saharan Africa. It is supported by JISC and the Joint Information Systems Committee (JISC).
The Office of Elementary and Secondary Education (OESE) offers technical assistance to teachers, students, and school administrators. OESE also works with other partners, such as state and local educational agencies, to ensure that teachers have access to the information and training they need.